This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper
#include "atcoder/rb_lazysegtree.hpp"
挿入と削除が $O(\log n)$ でできる遅延セグメント木.
insert(k, x)
: $k$ 番目に $x$ を挿入する.erase(k)
: $k$ 番目の要素を削除する.get(k)
: $k$ 番目の要素を取得する.prod(l, r)
: 区間 $[l, r)$ に対応する総積を取得する.apply(l, r, x)
: 区間 $[l, r)$ に 作用素 $x$ を適用する.build(v)
: 配列 $v$ で初期化する.insert
: $O(\log n)$erase
: $O(\log n)$get
: $O(\log n)$prod
: $O(\log n)$apply
: $O(\log n)$build
#include "atcoder/rbtree_base"
namespace atcoder {
template<class S, S(*op)(S,S), class F, S(*mapping)(F,S), F(*composition)(F,F), F(*id)()>
struct RBLazySegtreeNode : public RBTreeNodeBase<S, RBLazySegtreeNode<S,op,F,mapping,composition,id>> {
using Base = RBTreeNodeBase<S, RBLazySegtreeNode>;
using Base::Base, Base::l, Base::r, Base::val, Base::isLeaf;
F lazy = id();
using ptr = typename Base::ptr;
RBLazySegtreeNode(ptr l_, ptr r_, int red_) : Base(l_, r_, red_) {
val = op(l->val, r->val);
~RBLazySegtreeNode() {
if (lazy != id()) {
l = applied(l, lazy);
r = applied(r, lazy);
static ptr applied(ptr p, const F& lazy) {
assert(p != nullptr);
p->val = mapping(lazy, p->val);
if (!p->isLeaf()) p->lazy = composition(p->lazy, lazy);
return p;
template<class S, S(*op)(S,S), S(*e)(), class F, S(*mapping)(F,S), F(*composition)(F,F), F(*id)()>
struct RBLazySegtree : public RBTreeBase<S, RBLazySegtreeNode<S,op,F,mapping,composition,id>> {
using Node = RBLazySegtreeNode<S,op,F,mapping,composition,id>;
using Base = RBTreeBase<S, Node>;
using Base::Base, Base::size;
using Base::split, Base::merge, Base::root;
S prod(int l, int r) {
assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= size());
if (l == r) return e();
auto [a, tmp] = split(root, l);
auto [c, b] = split(tmp, r-l);
S val = c->val;
root = merge(a, merge(c, b));
return val;
void apply(int l, int r, F lazy) {
assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= size());
if (l == r) return;
auto [a, tmp] = split(root, l);
auto [c, b] = split(tmp, r-l);
root = merge(a, merge(Node::applied(c, lazy), b));
} // namespace atcoder
#line 1 "atcoder/rb_lazysegtree.hpp"
#line 1 "atcoder/rbtree_base.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
// References:
namespace atcoder {
template<class T>
struct VectorPool {
std::vector<T> pool;
std::vector<T*> stock;
int size = 0;
explicit VectorPool(int sz) : pool(sz), stock(sz) { clear(); }
template<typename... U>
T *alloc(U... args) { return &(*stock[size++] = T(args...)); }
inline void free(T *t) { (stock[--size] = t)->~T(); }
void clear() {
size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)pool.size(); i++) stock[i] = &pool[i];
// References:
template<class S, class Derived>
struct RBTreeNodeBase {
using ptr = Derived*;
ptr l=nullptr, r=nullptr;
int sz=1, rnk=0;
bool red=false;
S val;
RBTreeNodeBase() = default;
explicit RBTreeNodeBase(S val_) : val(val_) {}
RBTreeNodeBase(ptr l_, ptr r_, int red_) :
l(l_), r(r_), sz(l->sz + r->sz), rnk(l->rnk + !l->red), red(red_) {}
bool isLeaf() { return l == nullptr; }
template<class S, class Node>
struct RBTreeBase {
using ptr = typename Node::ptr;
ptr root;
// Ensure: root is null or valid
// valid <=>
// - The root and leaves are black
// - Red nodes are not adjacent
// - The number of black nodes on the root-to-leaf path is constant
explicit RBTreeBase(int max_n) : pool(2*max_n-1) {}
int size() { return sz(root); }
void build(const std::vector<S>& v) {
root = build(v, 0, int(v.size()));
void insert(int k, S val) {
assert(0 <= k and k <= size());
auto [l, r] = split(root, k);
root = merge(merge(l, pool.alloc(val)), r);
S erase(int k) {
assert(0 <= k and k < size());
auto [l, tmp] = split(root, k);
auto [c, r] = split(tmp, 1);
S val = c->val;;
root = merge(l, r);
return val;
S get(int k) {
assert(0 <= k and k < size());
auto [a, tmp] = split(root, k);
auto [c, b] = split(tmp, 1);
S val = c->val;
root = merge(a, merge(c, b));
return val;
ptr merge(ptr a, ptr b) {
// Require:
// - a, b: null or valid
// Ensure:
// - returned node is valid
if (!a) return b;
if (!b) return a;
return asRoot(mergeSub(a, b));
std::pair<ptr, ptr> split(ptr p, int k) {
// Require:
// - p: null or asRoot(p) is valid
// Ensure:
// - returned nodes are null or valid
assert(0 <= k and k <= sz(p));
if (k == 0) return { nullptr, p };
if (k == sz(p)) return { p, nullptr };
auto [l, r] = detach(p);
if (k < sz(l)) {
auto [a, b] = split(l, k);
return { a, merge(b, asRoot(r)) };
if (k > sz(l)) {
auto [a, b] = split(r, k - sz(l));
return { merge(asRoot(l), a), b };
return { asRoot(l), asRoot(r) };
static const bool RED = true, BLACK = false;
VectorPool<Node> pool;
int sz(ptr p) { return p ? p->sz : 0; }
ptr build(const std::vector<S>& v, int l, int r) {
if (r - l == 1) return pool.alloc(v[l]);
return merge(build(v, l, (l+r)/2), build(v, (l+r)/2, r));
std::pair<ptr, ptr> detach(ptr p) {
assert(p != nullptr);
ptr l = p->l, r = p->r;;
return { l, r };
ptr mergeSub(ptr a, ptr b) {
// Require:
// - asRoot(a), asRoot(b) is valid
// Ensure:
// - asRoot(returned node) is valid
assert(a != nullptr);
assert(b != nullptr);
if (a->rnk < b->rnk) {
bool red = b->red;
auto [l, r] = detach(b);
ptr c = mergeSub(a, l);
if (red or !c->red or !c->l->red) return pool.alloc(c, r, red);
if (r->red) return pool.alloc(asRoot(c), asRoot(r), RED);
auto [cl, cr] = detach(c);
return pool.alloc(cl, pool.alloc(cr, r, RED), BLACK);
if (a->rnk > b->rnk) {
bool red = a->red;
auto [l, r] = detach(a);
ptr c = mergeSub(r, b);
if (red or !c->red or !c->r->red) return pool.alloc(l, c, red);
if (l->red) return pool.alloc(asRoot(l), asRoot(c), RED);
auto [cl, cr] = detach(c);
return pool.alloc(pool.alloc(l, cl, RED), cr, BLACK);
return pool.alloc(a, b, RED);
ptr asRoot(ptr p) {
if (!p) return p;
p->red = BLACK;
return p;
} // namespace atcoder
#line 5 "atcoder/rb_lazysegtree.hpp"
namespace atcoder {
template<class S, S(*op)(S,S), class F, S(*mapping)(F,S), F(*composition)(F,F), F(*id)()>
struct RBLazySegtreeNode : public RBTreeNodeBase<S, RBLazySegtreeNode<S,op,F,mapping,composition,id>> {
using Base = RBTreeNodeBase<S, RBLazySegtreeNode>;
using Base::Base, Base::l, Base::r, Base::val, Base::isLeaf;
F lazy = id();
using ptr = typename Base::ptr;
RBLazySegtreeNode(ptr l_, ptr r_, int red_) : Base(l_, r_, red_) {
val = op(l->val, r->val);
~RBLazySegtreeNode() {
if (lazy != id()) {
l = applied(l, lazy);
r = applied(r, lazy);
static ptr applied(ptr p, const F& lazy) {
assert(p != nullptr);
p->val = mapping(lazy, p->val);
if (!p->isLeaf()) p->lazy = composition(p->lazy, lazy);
return p;
template<class S, S(*op)(S,S), S(*e)(), class F, S(*mapping)(F,S), F(*composition)(F,F), F(*id)()>
struct RBLazySegtree : public RBTreeBase<S, RBLazySegtreeNode<S,op,F,mapping,composition,id>> {
using Node = RBLazySegtreeNode<S,op,F,mapping,composition,id>;
using Base = RBTreeBase<S, Node>;
using Base::Base, Base::size;
using Base::split, Base::merge, Base::root;
S prod(int l, int r) {
assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= size());
if (l == r) return e();
auto [a, tmp] = split(root, l);
auto [c, b] = split(tmp, r-l);
S val = c->val;
root = merge(a, merge(c, b));
return val;
void apply(int l, int r, F lazy) {
assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= size());
if (l == r) return;
auto [a, tmp] = split(root, l);
auto [c, b] = split(tmp, r-l);
root = merge(a, merge(Node::applied(c, lazy), b));
} // namespace atcoder